The Startup Huddle
The Startup Huddle is a podcast featuring interviews with founders and venture capitalists. Each episode delves into the behind-the-scenes stories of startup success, failure, and the fundraising process. Listeners will be a part of the insightful discussion as the podcast showcases the human side of entrepreneurship, sharing the personal experiences, wisdom, and setbacks of each business leader. The show is perfect for anyone interested in the startup world and the inner workings of early-stage companies and venture capital. Tune in to hear from some of the most innovative and successful players in the industry.
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The Startup Huddle
E8: Milan Kovacic | The Two-Faced Success of Dating Apps
Milan Kovacic, CEO of Cosmic Latte dives deep into the intricate universe of dating apps, exploring their significant impacts and the dichotomies between user expectations and business models. Discussing everything from algorithmic compatibilities, LGBTQ+ dating experiences, to the intriguing paradoxes of app optimization for user retention versus successful matchmaking, this episode sheds light on the current digital dating landscape and ponders upon future directions and potential disruptions in the industry.
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